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Long An, Vietnam

Community Development Project

The area where this bridge was proposed is in the Mekong Delta where communities and especially children are forced to cross dangerous single strand bamboo poles fashioned into very “rickety” bridges to attend school and the communities must use the same bridges to go about their daily business.

Rising tides, the rainy season and typhoons exacerbate the problems and there are extended periods when rivers are impassable and where community life consequently closes down.

DBL agreed to construct a concrete bridge at Long An some 50 meters long, 2 meters wide and 14 meters above water level to provide an all seasons crossing.


Project commencement Date: Q3. 2011

Project completion Date: Q4. 2011


Tra Vinh, Vietnam

Community Development Project


In 2011, DBL funded and managed the construction of two bridges in the Mekong Delta in Vietnam to enable children to travel to school safely and the communities to interact and maximize the use of community facilities.


DBL was approached in early 2012 to consider the construction of new bridges in Tra Vinh Province, Vietnam. The first request being a safe bridge in the Village of Da Loc for some 9,000 people. The second request was for a bridge to join the villages of Thanh Phu and Thong Hoa. These villages have a population of 20,000, none of whom have safe bridge access.


Project commencement date: Q2.2012

Project completion date:  Q4.2012


Phu Huu, Vietnam

Community Development Project

The area where the bridge was proposed is in the Mekong Delta where communities and especially children are forced to cross dangerous single strand bamboo poles fashioned into very “rickety” bridges to attend school and the communities must use the same bridges to go about their daily business. Rising tides, the rainy season and typhoons exacerbate the problems and there are extended periods when rivers are impassable and where community life consequently closes down.


DBL agreed to construct a concrete bridge at Phu Huu some 44 meters long, 1.8 meters wide and 14 meters above water level to provide an all seasons crossing. 


Project commencement date: Q3. 2011

Project completion date: Q4. 2011


My Loi Village, Vietnam

School Construction Project

My Loi Village is approximately 180kms from Ho Chi Minh City and has a population of around 4,000, of which around 1,000 are under the age of 10 years. The school was attended by around 120 students in school buildings over 40 years old and in a state of disrepair and without bathroom facilities. The school had 3 classrooms in which both morning and afternoon sessions were run to accommodate as many children as possible.


DBL constructed a new school building comprising 5 classrooms and a toilet block. The project allowed the school to increase the number of children attending and facilitated the addition of Grade 6, which they did not have.


Project commencement date: Q2. 2013

Project completion date: Q3.2013

Individuals directly impacted over 20 years: 761

Individuals indirectly impacted over 20 years: 7,784


Hau Giang Vietnam

School Construction Project

This school is in an area where DBL constructed a new bridge for the community and for children to cross to school. At the time it became obvious that the school was extremely inadequate. The school had 2 classrooms  for students from grades 1 to 5 both very old and in appalling condition. The community has around 500 primary school age children, of whom around 100 attended school due to the limitations of the facilities.


DBL worked with the school community and determined that another 4 rooms would allow them to provide primary education to the 500 children on a rotating split day class basis.  DBL completed construction of this building as committed.


Project commencement date: Q3.2011

Project completion date: Q4.2011

Direct impact over 10 years: 1,573

Indirect impact over 10 years:  19,911


Tr Vinh Province, Vietnam

Kindergarten Construction Project

Tra Vinh Province is a heavily populated, low socio-economic area that survives mainly on subsistence farming, fishing and harvesting. A major issue exists in the area in that many of individuals in the community are not classified as Vietnamese citizens as they were not born in hospitals and as a result do not have birth certificates. Without birth certificates these people will are not accepted into schools.


DBL constructed a small kindergarten and school. This school will provide for those who are not fortunate enough to have been born with the opportunity to obtain a birth certificate, and therefore the opportunity for an education.


Project commencement date: Q1 2014 

Project completion date: Q2. 2014

Individuals directly impacted over 20 years: 2,082

Individuals indirectly impacted over 20 years: 17,294


An Hoa Village, Vietnam

School Upgrade Project

An Hoa Village is located around two hours from Ho Chi Minh City. The UTi community has developed a strong involvement with communities in this region and this project sought to continue that engagement.


An Hoa School is a small two room school in poor condition with unsuitable furnishings and fittings.


DBL has undertaken works to upgrade existing facilities as well as construct  an additional two school rooms. This project is now complete, and the new school building significantly increases the education opportunities of the community.


Project commencement date: Q2. 2014

Project completion date: Q4. 2014

Individuals directly impacted over 20 years: 1,672

Individuals indirectly impacted over 20 years: 12,448


Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

School Upgrade Project

My Thanh Nam Village near Ho Chi Minh City has a school population of 150 children that operated in a building that was falling down, the roof had collapsed, and walls were beginning to collapse. The school should have been condemned and abandoned but there was no other alternative but to continue to teach the children in these appalling circumstances. The situation led to high levels of absenteeism and poor educational outcomes.


DBL constructed a 5-room school for grades 1 to 5 and 1 room for a kindergarten.  Ultimate capacity was increased by 300 students for one school or 600 when the need for morning and afternoon school is reached.


Project commencement date: Q1.2015

Project completion date: Q3. 2015


My Hiep, Vietnam

School Construction Project

My Hiep School is located around 2 hours north of Ho Chi Minh City in the Cho Moi District of Vietnam.  The Village has a population of approximately 19,000 people, of this 740 are children 5 years of age who are due to commence school. Currently only 425 places can be accommodated in the village.  


The children who will miss out are generally those from the poorest families who cannot afford the fees, are poorly connected or whose families need the manpower for farming. Based on previous examples, children who do not commence education at this age will not commence education at all.


DBL constructed a four-room school that that will enable the village to educate all the remaining children with teachers supplied by the government and the school being run by the local council. 


Project commencement date: Q1.2015

Project completion: Q3.2015


Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

Medical Equipment Provision

The Ho Chi Minh Free Clinic is a free service to local people who cannot afford to attend a Doctor or Hospital. The clinic is manned by volunteer doctors and nurses who work in the public hospital system and offer their services free of charge on a roster basis 3 times per week. The clinic accepts any clients without question and on weekends completes out service trips to country areas. The clinic operates from premises provided rent free by the Red Cross but is in a very bad state of repair and not very hygienic.


DBL first visited this clinic a couple of years ago and subsequently agreed to purchase a sonar Doppler machine for our service work to enable them to address more completely cardiac issues.


This project proposes that DBL fund and manage the renovation and upgrading of this clinic. The work will involve new wall, windows, some furniture, painting and new floor coverings.


Project commencement: Q4. 2015

Project completion: Q1.2016


Ho Chi Minh, Vietnam

School Construction Project

Tan Phuc Village is a large community with 5 Hamlets each between 1500 and 2000 people. Each Hamlet has a kindergarten but Hamlets 4 and 5 have very poor condition buildings and with population growth are rejecting more children than they are accepting.  This project will focus on Hamlet 4.


DBL funded and manage the construction of 2 classrooms, constructed a roof over the schoolyard for protection from the weather and so it could be used for classes, constructed new fencing around the school, and constructed a new kitchen with water supply as the school currently has no water supply. 


Project commencement: Q1.2016

Project completion: Q2.2016


Nha Dai Village, Vietnam

School Construction Project

The Nha Dai community like many rural communities in Vietnam is very poor surviving on subsistence farming. DBL visited this school around 5 years ago and in that time frame the deterioration has been significant. 


The building is now verging on collapse and in the rainy season classes must be cancelled for fear of the roof collapsing. The roof framing is being eaten away, roof tiles are missing, and the building's foundations have been eaten away by termites.


DBL has completed work to rebuild 3 existing classrooms, build 3 new classrooms, construct a toilet block and undertake ground works to make the yards suitable for children to play on.


Project commencement: Q2.2016

Project completion: Q3.2016



School Construction Project

The Village in Hau Giang has no preschool/kindergarten A building is borrowed from the local Primary School but this is only temporary, can only be used outside school hours and only caters for 100 children when there are 250 requiring kindergarten education.


Like most of these communities in Vietnam the local people are subsistence farmers with very little income and no capacity to provide funds. The local commune provided land for a kindergarten and DBL constructed a new four room school building.   


Project commencement date: Q1.2017

Project completion date: Q4.2017


Long An, Vietnam

Bridge Construction Project

This project is in Long An, Vietnam. Children of the area are required to cross a tidal, monsoon creek by bamboo bridge to attend school. In the wet season this results in many children falling or being injured or simply not attending school due to the danger of crossing the river. 


DBL constructed an 18-meter bridge, 1 meter wide and 14.3 meters high to ensure the children can attend school regardless of the weather and without risk to their lives.


Project commencement date: Q3.2017

Project completion date: Q4.2017


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Housing Project

This project involved construction of a new home in a village outside of Ho Chi Minh City for a family in desperate need. 


The Father/Husband of the family has been diagnosed with severe Epilepsy and can no longer work as a result of his medical condition. The Mother is now required to care for him and their 5 children full time. 


This project was bought to DBL by a local community member who saw an opportunity to help this family in need.


Project commencement date: Q4.2017

Project completion date: Q4.2017


Tuyen Binh Village, Vietnam

School Construction Project

Tuyen Binh Village is at the border of Cambodia and Vietnam and is in an extremely sad position. In addition to the low socio-economic existence of the locals, many of the children in the area cross into Cambodia to work in the fields in the morning and come back in the evening, therefore not attending school. The school is overcrowded and cannot accept any more students, as the parents must go to work in the fields the children who cannot attend school must follow.


At night the border guards utilize the school buildings to try to teach the children to read and write.


In all there are 1300 Vietnamese children in the village under the age of 13 and 200 Cambodian children trying to attend a school with 6 rooms. DBL constructed  4 new classrooms and a toilet block.


Project commencement date: Q1.2018

Project completion date: Q1.2018


My Thanh Nam Village, Vietnam

Bridge Construction Project

My Thanh Nam Village, is in Long An Province, some 2 hours from Ho Chi Minh City. This community is a poor rural community where the majority of people lead a very basic subsistence farming existence. Funds are not available for community development and governments provide limited support to the community.


A rickety one lane timber bridge joined a village which was separated by a creek. In the wet season, children who live on one side of the river had to find a way to get from one side to the other or abandon attending school.  There are 102 families 349 people on one side of the creek and 223 families 634 people on the other.


DBL built a bridge 25 meters long, 2.2 meters wide and 10 meters above water level.


Project commencement date: Q1.2018

Project completion date: Q2.2018


OC EO District, Vietnam

Bridge Construction Project

Oc Eo District is another of those very poor rural areas where the people survive on basic subsistence farming.  Community facilities are nonexistent, except for those they create themselves and government funding all but nonexistent.


The project for this community was a bridge across a small river, which was used by the community and particularly by the children of the community to get to and from school.


In this case the bridge built was 24 meters long and 3 meters wide and was constructed some 10 meters above water level to allow for wet season flooding.


Project commencement date: Q2.2018

Project completion date: Q2.2018


Can Long Village, Vietnam

School Construction Project

Can Long School has 14 rooms for 20 classes with some 650 students and 38 teachers—school runs in two shifts 6 am to 1 pm and 1 pm to 6 pm.


The school like so many others is in a poor low socio-economic area where subsistence farming is the primary way of life.


4 of the rooms in the school are collapsing or have completely collapsed and cannot be used and the school only has 7 toilets for close to 700 people. As in many countries, governments put little focus on schools in regional areas.


This project saw the demolition of 4 rooms and the construction of 4 much bigger new rooms, a new toilet block with some 10 toilets and the upgrade of the grounds of the school to reduce the impact of flooding.


Project commencement Date: Q1.2018

Project completion Date: Q3.2018


Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

Healthcare Project

The Ho Chi Minh Free clinic is operated by a retired doctor along with volunteer doctors to offer two services to those who have no access to medical help.


They operate a free clinic in HCM to those without the capacity to pay. The same team travel into isolated rural areas on weekends, to run clinics for those with no access to medical services.


In 2015, DBL funded the acquisition of a portable ultra sound machine for this out service. This equipment is being used for between 500 and 1000 people per month.


With the acquisition of the ultra sound machine, the biggest challenge for this team is the completion of blood tests and while these cannot all be done remotely, an Automated Chemistry Analyzer(ACA)  would allow the most basic tests to be completed on the spot.


DBL purchased an Automated Chemistry Analyzer(ACA) for the clinic.


Project commencement date: Q2.2018

Project completion date: Q3.2018


Xa Phien School, Vietnam

School Construction Project

Xa Phien Village is in Long My District, Hau Giang Province, some 3 hours from Ho Chi Minh and in an area where DBL has worked before.


The Village has some 16,000 people and 1300 children between the ages of 1 and 5 ,a growing challenge. The area is a subsistence farming community extremely poor with significant social challenges.


The school had 2 rooms that were suffering badly from concrete cancer. The concrete deterioration was so bad, that the internal steel reinforcing had rusted through, creating an unsafe building. The community will demolished the existing building and levelled the surrounding grounds.


DBL constructed a new 4 room school for the village.

Project commencement dateQ4.2018

Project completion date: Q3.2019


Xa Phien School, Vietnam

School Equipment Project

Xa Phien Village is in Long My District, Hau Giang Province some 3 hours from Ho Chi Minh and in an area where DBL has worked before.


The Village has some 16,000 people and 1300 children between the ages of 1 and 5 ,a growing challenge. The area is a subsistence farming community extremely poor with significant social challenges.


DBL recently completed work on a new 4 room school building. To utilize these rooms to their full capacity the required furnishing, this included the provision of 80 desks and chairs and 4 teachers tables.

Project commencement date: Q3.2019

Project completion date: Q4.2019

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