Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Community Development Project
Malaysia is a nation that receives a large number of refugees from both the Middle East, as well as a regular influx from Myanmar/Burma. As a result of the volume of refugees entering Malaysia enormous pressure has been placed on already limited resources, to educate children and adults. Currently the UNHCR and local Malaysian refugee Authority MSRI/Sahabat provide and guide volunteers in the roll of educating refugees.
DBL has completed the establishment of Computer Education Facility that can be used to educate refugee children by day and adults by night in an existing school.
Project commencement date: Q1.2015
Project completion date: Q1.2015
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Book Distribution Project
The Malaysian Book Distribution project once again saw DBL partner with the World Book Drive to distribute books throughout schools, orphanages and community groups in and around Kuala Lumpur.
DBL shipped a 40-foot container of Books from the USA to Malaysia.
Project commencement date: Q4.2013
Project completion date: Q1.2014
Kuala Lumpur
Book Distribution Project
Book Distribution Books for Malaysia saw the Rotary Club in Wellington, New Zealand collect books. DBL then shipped and distributed those books to disadvantaged schools in Sandakan, North Malaysia.
Project commencement date: Q4. 2013
Project completion date: Q1. 2014
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Community Project
Two years ago, DBL undertook a small project with Myanmar refugees in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia to upgrade small classrooms.
The team worked to establish sustainable business opportunity and income for the refugees. Utilizing donated and used equipment, a sewing project was launched, which has proven to be very successful. This business is focused on making towels for schools and hotels and is now at a stage where new equipment is required to enable them to meet supply and demand, extend the type of work into embroidery and seek new markets.
Long term commitments exist with clients, so there is little risk and the business has strong support from the expat community.
DBL upgraded the equipment used by the business.
Project commencement date: Q1.2018
Project completion date: Q3.2018
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Community Project
Lighthouse is a Foster Home caring for 75 children and young people from age 2 to 22. Children are cared for in a home-based environment across 5 houses. Children attend school, are provided with additional tutoring and live in a family environment.
The lighthouse is approved by the government, but survives totally on donations from members of the public.
The children/young people in foster care are directed to Lighthouse by the police or social workers and generally come from a variety of circumstances but often drug and alcohol abuse, physical or sexual abuse and generational poverty, are behind the need for foster care.
DBL provided a small bus for the home and much required refrigeration to ensure food donated to the home could be preserved rather than go to waste.
Project commencement date: Q3.2018
Project completion date: Q3.2019
Petaling Jaya, Malaysia
School Upgrade Project
The Vivekananda School provides an education to children from the Tamil Minority for years 1 through to 12. Vivekananda relies on the support of donors from the school community and the NGO world to ensure it can continue to provide an education for around 1300 children from the Brickfields area.
DBL's book distribution program undertaken in Malaysia enabled Vivekananda School to open its own library and as a result, receive an English Language teacher, however the facilities for the education of more complex subjects such as Science were very poor.
DBL undertook a project to renovate and upgrade and fit-out the school's existing facilities and provide essential equipment to ensure the children are provided with the opportunity to undertake education in the specialized fields.
Project commencement date: Q1. 2013
Project completion date: Q3. 2013
Individuals directly impacted
Over 20 years: 1,153
Individuals indirectly impacted
Over 20 years: 8,460
Ampang, Malaysia
Orphanage Renovation Project
For many years, the Sisters of the Good Shepherd ran a shelter for abused and threatened girls and young women in Ampang. Concerns with threats of landslides in nearby areas forced the Sisters to seek alternative accommodation for the young women. The girls were moved to premises that were totally inadequate and unsuitable for providing a protected environment. This arrangement also restricted their opportunities to receive counseling services essential to their long-term well-being.
DBL provided funding and management support for the renovation of a building suitable to the girl’s needs. The quality of life for the girls at Ampang Shelter has improved considerably, and they are benefitting from a safe and protected home environment and the support they require.
Project commencement date: Q1.2012
Project completion date: Q4.2012
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
School Upgrade Project
Malaysia. They have received an education through the generosity of churches and other organizations. The refugees are not classified as citizens of Malaysia and only provided with a UN identification card, which is often not recognized also. As they are not citizens, they are not allowed to attend government schools.
The MSO works to provide education opportunities in very poor facilities. These facilities are loan facilities, so the scope to renovate is minimal. DBL worked with the Organization to provide measures that would improve the learning environment but were also portable. These included air-conditioning, furniture such as desks, shelving, tables and chairs, and teaching aids such as white boards, books, screens and projectors.
Project commencement date: Q3.2012
Project completion date: Q4.201
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Food Distribution Project
The Lost Food Project was created to provide a mechanism to collect food from supermarkets, hotels, restaurants and other venues and redistribute it to those in need. The work has been going on for around one year now, with food being collected by volunteers in their own cars.
This scope of the project has reached a stage where the available food supplies and the distribution requires, far outweigh the capacity available with volunteers’ vehicles.
The project is currently providing food to around 1000 people, but supplies are available for around 5000 if a vehicle was available to handle this.
DBL sourced and funded the purchase of a vehicle better suited to the distribution of food.
Project commencement date: Q3.2016
Project completion date: Q4.2016
Manila, Malaysia
Educational Support Project
Mangahhan Village slum in Manilla, Philippines has been the location of several DBL projects both current and completed.
This new project aims to ensure the ongoing development of Mangahhan Village and in particular the Kindergarten .
DBL has committed to fund the Sipol School Program for the year 2013-2014.
Project commencement: Q2.2013
Project completion: Q2.2015