
Lampa, Peru
Housing Development Project
Delivering Better Lives will again be partnered with Kusimayo to undertake a project that aimed to improve the living conditions and as a result the health of Peruvians living in the Lampa region of Peru.
The Andean Indians live in extremely harsh environmental conditions, in simple mud brick homes. They use dry manure for heating and often cook on outdoor fires. The cold and contamination from the fires kills hundreds of children each year. A University in Peru has developed a plan that alters houses to improve the quality of life.
The proposal was for DBL to upgrade 25 houses in the village of Chanocahua, using the methods developed by the University.
Project commencement date: Q2.2015
Project completion date: Q2.2015

Puno/Lampa, Peru
Kindergarten Upgrade Project
Puno and Lampa are two provinces located high in the Andean Mountain Ranges of Peru. The communities of these regions struggle for survival and are faced with challenges including poor rainfall, challenging climate, and poor yielding land. The area has a life expectancy of 45 for men and 55 for women.
Parents often have to leave children to fend for themselves while they work to survive. Housing is basic with no heating facilities to counteract the harsh climate; water is very scarce, and malnourishment is prevalent. The schools in the area are in very poor condition, and as the total population of the area is around 1.3 million, a definite need to support this area exists.
DBL in partnership with local NGO-Kusimayo undertook a range of programs throughout a number of Kindergarten facilities. These included renovation of kindergarten facilities, kitchen establishment, school program materials, hygiene equipment and training and feeding programs.
Project commencement date: Q3.2013
Project completion date: Q3. 2014

Lima, Peru
Hospice Upgrade Project
The Hospice was established to provide accommodation for impoverished country people who were suffering from cancer and have to travel to Lima for treatment at the only Cancer Hospital in the Country. Most do not have any funds for treatment let alone travel and accommodation and as such live on the street or in totally inadequate places while having treatment – naturally this situation compromises their treatment and recovery.
The facility was run from rented premises that placed financial strain and insecurity on the Hospice. The project involved the acquisition and outfitting of a long-term home for Aldimi in a location which was close to the Cancer Hospital. Due to the size of the project a partnership was formed between the DBL, the American Embassy in Peru and the American Oil Wives in Peru, each party contributed funds to the Project and worked together to make the acquisition happen.
Project commencement date: Q4.2009
Project completion date: Q2.2010

Lima, Peru
Hospice Upgrade Project
Aldimi Cancer Hospice was established to provide accommodation and care to poor Peruvians who must visit Lima for essential cancer treatments, such as Chemotherapy and Radiation Therapy. Prior to the opening of this facility, many of these individuals lived on the streets between treatments, therefore compromising their care and subsequent life expectancy. Aldimi caters to a minimum of 60 patients per night and around 1000 cancer patients each year.
DBL was involved in a project with Aldimi in 2008/2009 to jointly fund the acquisition of a new building to accommodate these patients. DBL has now completed another project to provide Aldimi with additional equipment and basic facility works to further improve the quality of life for these patients while in Lima undergoing treatment.
Project commencement date: Q1. 2012
Project completion date: Q1. 2013

Lima, Peru
Community Development Project
Aldimi is a hospice in Lima, Peru established by a local woman to provide housing for poor people who must come to Lima for cancer treatment.
The house provides accommodation, meals and full support to the patient and allows one caregiver to stay with them, the caregiver must then help out in the facility.
DBL previously assisted Aldimi with two renovation upgrade projects in 2009/10 and 2012/13. The hospice unfortunately sustained damage in a storm and was in urgent need of support to complete repairs. DBL provided funding to complete these repairs.
Project commencement date: Q2.2018
Project completion date: Q3.2018

Lima, Peru
Community Development Project
Aldimi is a cancer hospice in Peru for cancer patients who must travel from rural areas to Lima for treatment. Patients are provided with free accommodation and meals and are allowed to have one caregiver stay with them.
DBL has supported Aldimi three times prior to this, always on projects that improve or extend the facility or in one case to repair the facility after severe storms.
The demand on Aldimi grows every day and while an additional facility to accommodate patients would be ideal, in the interim an extension to the current property is underway.
DBL provided much needed funding towards the extension of the current facility.
Project commencement date: Q2.2019
Project completion date: Q4.2019

Puno, Peru
Housing Development Project
Delivering Better Lives will again be partnered with Kusimayo to undertake a project that aimed to improve the living conditions and as a result the health of Peruvians living in the Lampa region of Peru.
The Andean Indians live in extremely harsh environmental conditions, in simple mud brick homes. They use dry manure for heating and often cook on outdoor fires. The cold and contamination from the fires kills hundreds of children each year. A University in Peru has developed a plan that alters houses to improve the quality of life.
The project has three key elements and DBL will fund work on 20 houses-
-installing simple ceilings in mud brick homes.
-replacing open fires with stoves with chimneys to remove heavy contaminants and smoke from homes, this has been measured to have a 90% effectiveness
-installing simple but very effective heating voids, increases internal temperatures by 10c.
Previous projects have seen a significant improvement in life expectancy for the people who have benefited from these housing improvements.
Project commencement date: Q1.2018
Project completion date: Q1.2019

Lampa, Peru
Agriculture Development Project
Delivering Better Lives will again partner with Kusimayo to undertake a project that will improve the agricultural opportunities of Peruvians living in the Lampa region of Peru.
The Andean Indians live in poverty in extremely harsh environmental conditions. They receive no government support and little support from other agencies due to the difficulties of working in this extreme environment.
Most of the community live a subsistence lifestyle on land from which the most efficient use is currently not being gained. The food grown is rarely enough for the families, let alone to sell for income.
A detailed plan has been developed, which has been successful in other communities and allows for skills to be transferred via peer training and development once the program is complete. It has also seen real subsistence farming result as well as the creation of marketplaces, improved health and educational outcomes.
DBL funded the implementation of this program in a community of 27 families. The plan involved the provision of water storage and irrigation, construction of greenhouses, improved animal husbandry, and ground development through cultivation, mulching and fertilization.
Project commencement date: Q2.2015
Project completion date: Q1.2016

Puno, Peru
Agriculture Development Project
Delivering Better Lives will again partner with Kusimayo to undertake a project that will improve the agricultural opportunities of Peruvians living in the Lampa region of Peru.
The Andean Indians live in poverty in extremely harsh environmental conditions. They receive no government support and little support from other agencies due to the difficulties of working in this extreme environment.
Most of the community live a subsistence lifestyle on land from which the most efficient use is currently not being gained. The food grown is rarely enough for the families, let alone to sell for income.
A detailed plan has been developed, which has been successful in other communities and allows for skills to be transferred via peer training and development once the program is complete. It has also seen real subsistence farming result as well as the creation of marketplaces, improved health and educational outcomes.
DBL funded the implementation of this program in 20 houses in a community. The plan involved the provision of water storage and irrigation, construction of greenhouses, creation of open orchards, improved animal husbandry, and ground development through cultivation, mulching and fertilization.
Project commencement date: Q1.2018
Project completion date: Q1.2019
Agriculture Project
DBL has worked in partnership with Kusimayo in Peru on previous projects involving agriculture, housing and Kindergarten Feeding Programs. Kusimayo is a Peruvian based NGO that specializes in projects for the poor ethnic Indians in the high Andes.
This project is similar to a previous agricultural project and is designed to increase the range of products grown and the yields by constructing hothouses, establishing orchards and improving animal husbandry and by doing so improving diet and general health and creating a surplus for trade and barter.
The program is driven by peer support and involvement and in each community where it has been launched, success has been extraordinary.
DBL funded the roll-out of this program to ten families in a new community, creating the base for peer driven wider expansion.
Project commencement date: Q1.2017
Project completion date: Q4.2017