Tanzania & South Africa
Community Health Project
HIV/Aids is a significant issue in Africa and requires constant focus to treat and prevent. In Tanzania and South Africa, Community Healthcare workers distribute and administer Anti Retro Viral drugs to HIV/Aids patients on a daily basis.
In 2009 DBL teamed up with Bicycling Magazine through their program- Bikes for Africa, to ship bikes to both Tanzania and South Africa for distribution to Healthcare workers. These bikes allow 10 times more patients to be seen daily, than if these workers were to travel on foot.
Project commencement date: Q2.2009
Project completion date: Q4.2009

Mwanza, Tanzania
Community Health Project
HIV/Aids is a significant issue in Africa and requires constant focus to treat and prevent. In Tanzania and South Africa, Community Healthcare workers distribute and administer Anti Retro Viral drugs to HIV/Aids patients on a daily basis.
In 2009 DBL teams up with Bicycling Magazine through their program- Bikes for Africa, to ship bikes to both Tanzania and South Africa, for distribution to Healthcare workers. These bikes allow 10 times more patients to be seen daily, than if these workers were to travel on foot. In 2012 DBL again teamed up with Bicycling Magazine, to ship the bikes and be involved in the assembly of these bikes, prior to distribution to the community healthcare workers.
Project commencement date: Q3.2012
Project completion date: Q1.2013