Nyaure, Zimbabwe
Hospital Construction Project
The community of Nyaures' only access to medical treatment was in a converted dairy unsuitable for medical treatment, however with the nearest hospital a 16 km walk, it was the only option available for many. The community had been working to establish a clinic through self-funding, but were struggling to make this a reality.
The project involved the construction and outfitting of a Medical Clinic building to adjoin the existing Dairy/Clinic and the upgrade of that existing building. The clinic now has multiple rooms for consultations, birthing and treatment.
The clinic has been named the Neil Howard Schroenn Clinic in honor of UTi Zimbabwe's Managing Director, who passed away in 2012.
Project commencement: Q1. 2012
Project completion: Q3. 2013
Individuals directly impacted over 20 years: 72,135
Individuals indirectly impacted over 20 years: 515,277

Nyaure, Zimbabwe
Hospital Shipment Project
Nyaure Clinic was constructed by DBL and opened for the treatment of patients in September 2012. The hospital was of enormous benefit to the community, however it was in desperate need of more equipment to fit out the new clinic and ensure adequate treatment of patients.
DBL arranged and collected a supply of hospital equipment that was then shipped to Nyaure for use in the hospital. This project as a whole has been extremely successful and DBL continues to grow its relationship with the community of Nyaure.
Project commencement date: Q4.2012
Project completion date: Q1.2013
Individuals directly impacted over 20 years: 72,135
Individuals indirectly impacted over 20 years: 515,277

Nyaure, Zimbabwe
Book Distribution Project
The Zimbabwe Book Distribution project saw DBL once again partner with the World Book Drive to distribute books throughout schools, orphanages and community groups in and around Nyaure and Bradford.
DBL shipped a 40-foot container of Books from the USA to Zimbabwe.
Project commencement date: Q4. 2013
Project completion date: Q1. 2014

Shumba Ward 3, Zimbabwe
School Construction Project
Shumba Ward 3 is an extremely poor area where most families live on produce grown themselves or income from the sale of vegetables, goats’ milk or tobacco. The area is close to that of Nyaure, where DBL has formed a strong relationship with the community. Currently there are 5 primary schools feeding one secondary school and the facilities are overwhelmed by classes of up to 100 students in morning and afternoon sessions. Some students have been walking up to 30 km a day for school, and the construction of a new school will reduce this to up to 7.5 km a day.
Land has been donated by the local chief, the local community has agreed to hand make all the bricks, carry all sand and water and provide all labor free of charge. The teachers will be provided by the education department.
DBL worked with the community to construct a new school consisting of 3 school blocks with 2 rooms in each block, a toilet block and a teacher’s house. DBL also provided desks and chairs for over 300 students.
Project commencement date: Q3.2014
Project completion: Q1.2016

Harare, Zimbabwe
Health Care Program
Cervical Cancer is the most common form of cancer in Zimbabwe and is responsible for more deaths than any other cancer. The Cancer Society of Zimbabwe aim to test 10 women per day over the age of 15 in certain target groups, including street workers. This is an extensive program that requires significant funding.
DBL provided funding for two nurses for a one-year period, as well as the purchase of a new vehicle to increase the scope of testing the Society can undertake.
Project commencement date: Q1.2015
Project completion date: Q2.2017